Horse & Pony Half Acre Grass Seed

£48.73 £43.86

3 in stock

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SKU: PRGRA023 Categories: , Tag:


Yorkshire Green Horse and Pony is a specific mixture for Equine and hardwearing use. The life span of horse and pony paddock depends on how it is looked after regular soil aeration and fertiliser application should be sufficient to keep the paddock in tip top condition.

Horse & Pony Paddock is designed to produce a specialist equine sward they key features are:
Hard Wearing
Deep rooted
High traction surface
Dense growth
Rejuvanates from damage
Reduced poaching

Horse & Pony Paddock contains:
5.5Kg Intermediate Perennial RG
2.5Kg Late Perennial RG
0.5Kg Smooth Stalked Meadow grass
2.0Kg Creeping red fescue
2.5Kg Dwarf Perennial
1.0Kg Timothy

Additional information

Weight 7 kg
Unit Code